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Hi Everyone,

Rememberance Day, Lest we Forget
This is a reminder that there are no classes on November 11th as we observe Rememberance Day. Beban Park Pool will be closed. The classes were programmed around Nov 11th. (You didn't pay for this day.) All affected classes have a note on them that there is no sessions on the 11th and your schedule won't include the 11th. If you are a student of Cadence, she is gone for this week and next week, the 18th. (Again, each class description mentions these missing days, you didn't pay for them and the schedule for that class won't include those days.) January I am still negotiating with the city of Nanaimo for January classes. While I would love to hear back sooner, they have agreed to give me their answer about rentals on December 1st. Until then I can't launch classes because I don't know if, or when, I will have rental time. If rentals are rejected, unfortunately that means there won't be new classes until 3255 Stephenson Point Road is repaired, which hopefully is Summer 2024. Even if it's not, there are other rentals that become available for summer time. Refunds
The failure to get Nanoose classes going and not being able to launch January means finances have been difficult. I am trying to return to work as a Lifeguard with the City or back to leatherworking/props/costuming in Film and I am looking to rent out 2 rooms in my house in central Nanaimo (if you know anyone looking for a place please contact me!). Once I establish a revenue stream, I'll be able to get a line of credit and pay off the remaining refunds that are owned. If things go well, that will be in December. The Go Fund Me
Charke Swim has taken two hits, the fire and the failure to launch Nanoose and I have setup a Go Fund Me to help keep the organization afloat. If you are in a position where you can help, I would appreciate it. Regardless, once Stephenson Point is repaired, I should be able to get back on my feet.
Mark Charke
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Writer's pictureMark Charke
Hi Everyone,
Pacific Shores Classes - Cancelled due to low attendance.
I've been avoiding this post but it has to go out. Signups at Nanoose Bay have been extremely low. The first month had 19 signups out of 120 required to break even. I am cancelling all lessons at Pacific Shores Resort as all the class have 2 or fewer students. Combined with other business costs, replacing supplies I had at Stephenson Point, re-advertising fall, my finances have tanked and I still owe refunds. However, I don't make posts like this without a plan, so here it is. I have enough to continue at Beban Park Pool through the spring. By Summer there is a chance to try expand my rentals at Beban, Stephenson Point might be repaired and I'll be looking at summer rental opportunities such as Westwood Lake and Kin Park Pool.
Refunds I anticipate I'll be able to pay off about half the owed refunds this November and December as I take in proceeds from Jan/Feb classes at Beban. Unfortunately the next half will have to wait until January to be paid off by the March/April proceeds. Everyone who signed up for Nanoose Bay will be added to my list of refunds. I would like to appologize to everyone this has inconvenienced and I greatly appreciate the support and how busy Beban Park Pool has been. New Classes Now that my Halloween Horror is over, I have a new instructor and new classes to announce. Samuel is joining Charke Swim and I've created new mid level and higher classes to take advantage of empty space at Beban with the following classes and private lessons;
Rememberance Day Please be aware that we are closed on Nov 11th for Rememberance Day. Candice's Students Reminder Please be aware that Candice is away Nov 4th and Nov 18th, in addition to Nov 11th. The cost for these classes was lower, reflecting the fewer sessions and this break was listed when the classes were programmed in the schedule and class description. She is teaching the following classes;
Preschool 1-2, 5-5:30PM,Sat,Oct14-Dec16 Preschool 3-4, 5:30-6PM,Sat,Oct14-Dec16 Swimmer 1A, 6-6:30PM, Sat, Oct 14-Dec 16 Swimmer 1B, 6:30-7PM, Sat, Oct 14-Dec 16 Swimmer 2, 7-7:30PM,Sat, Oct 14-Dec 16 January Classes - Coming Soon I plan on approaching the City of Nanaimo about January rentals on Monday and hope to start programing classes immediately.
Happy Halloween Everyone! Sincerely,
Mark Charke

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Writer's pictureMark Charke
Hi Everyone,

I oddly have two classes that remain empty, the Parent & Tot 1-2 and Parent & Tot 3 classes running at 6:00PM and 6:30PM starting on October 28th. I've come to the conclusion that this time is simply be too late in the evening. So I'd like to change the class. I'm thinking about running another Swimmer 1A and Swimmer 1B, but I could run anything. If you have a request please send it to me. Whatever gets the most requests I'll create. Nanoose Bay
A reminder that Nanoose Bay classes start on November 1st. Even More Instructors I have a new instructor, probably, comming in, and we are short on Private Lessons and Swimmer 4 at Beban so I'm hoping to add those!

Mark Charke
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