The pool is closed until Jan 28th 2023. But we're going to come back stronger, with 4 new instructors, additional classes and a new heater.
New Instructors: Conall, Mackenzie, Emma and Twyla have joined Charke Swim and are starting off with part time classes. We will have more comprehensive information about each of the new staff members available on the website in the coming week.
New Classes: I have launched the new classes for my new staff. We are now offering Preschool and Parent and Tot classes which will start on February 9th 2023. We are also offering new Swimmer 1 to 6 and Adult 1 and 2 classes!
New Heater: We've got word the heater is in and will be installed on Thursday Jan 26 2023. Unfortunately I'm going to have to cancel classes for the week. If the pool is warm by Friday, I will notify and run the Friday Only classes (Swimmer 1, Swimmer 5 and Swimmer 2-3.) As always updates on the pool status will appear on the website, on the Facebook page and via email to affected students.
I’m going to refund everyone except Friday only classes (The SHORT classes running from Jan 23 to 27, the private lessons and bi-weekly classes). I will wait until Friday to refund the Friday only classes in case they are able to run.Sincerely,